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We've been producing some fun, social media-centric videos for ourselves and our clients. The secret sauce is the entertainment value, lots of clicks, mixing in some marketing and design messages, and engaging clients and potential clients with this fun touch-point approach.


The cost is low, especially for a campaign of six or more videos, and the SEO value is high on your website. Each case is unique, whether you want a short, simple 15 - 20-second video, or a more highly-produced, longer video with custom footage.  Either way, the cost will surprise you. Contact us for more information.


And yes, we have a drone partner client also, so we can shoot from the sky-high or the down low.

National Play Your Ukelele Day

National Tartan Day

Market Like Their is Nobody Watching

National Rum Day

July 14 National Nude Day

You Built Your Own Website?

Valentine's Day

National Pig Day

Hoping 2018 Doesn't Suck

National Towel & Wine Day

Our New Website is Live!

Trade Show Pressure


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