Design Design's Paulina Street satellite office opens soon.
Update: getting close. The near west side satellite loft offices at 410 N. Paulina Street in Chicago is getting closer. It's taken awhile to get some building infrastructure issues handled, but as of yesterday, I was there checking A/C, WiFi, security and all seems ready. The next step is cleaning, then moving in furniture. Stay tuned.
The building will be a mixed creative space with Design Design, Dr. Graphx, Envirographx, Vangoz, Lionfish Silk, Industry Canvas, The Graphic Collective, Zack Burris Photography, (and others, soon), meeting and collaborating on projects, works and ventures.
410 North Paulina is a really neo-reclaimed industrial area with art galleries, microbreweries, violin makers, wine makers, bocce clubs, and other businesses looking for something away from the Loop—where movement, creativity and production flows more easily. The building was once a residential building (home of the King family), in the late 1870s - 1880s according to the Chicago historical records I could track down. The large front entrance was for the family buggy and horses.