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Sakurai tradeshow campaign goes to the birds and other colorful animals.

Each year, Sakurai USA, a leading manufacturer of offset presses, with headquarters in Japan, appears in several major tradeshows throughout the world. One of the largest is Graph Expo, held at the McCormick Center in Chicago each fall. Sakurai’s marketing manager called upon Design Design to create a campaign which had several objectives. First, the creative needed to be applied to mailers and ads to announce Sakurai’s attendance at the event. Secondly, the creative needed to be visually strong enough to be applied to printed samples at the show. As is usually the case, there would be no binding equipment available, so we were to design a series of posters.

First, we developed and designed an ad campaign featuring wildlife families to represent the “Family of Printing Presses”. Then, we designed and produced a series of posters featuring colorful wildlife to show off the presses’ capabilities. Large posters featured whimsical captions intended to bring a chuckle to printers and possibly find their way onto the walls in press rooms around the world. Smaller posters were also produced to demonstrate the “6-up” capabilities of the presses. As an added creative task, we developed a poster which featured orange iridescent ink which was applied as a spot color on top of the image of a goldfish.

The Sakurai booth also featured graphics of wildlife throughout.

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